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Bán Lưới thép hàn sàn bê tông phi 6 200x200, Lưới thép hàn phi 10 200x200, Lưới D10 150x150
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Mua Ban Nhanh JSC is now trying to approach small merchants at the Ba Chieu Market to introduce application. Mua Ban Nhanh said with the app, it aims to help retailers ‘put their shops into customers’ pockets’.
VietNamNet Bridge - Market survey reports all show that shopping via mobile devices is becoming more and more popular among Vietnamese.
Vietnam, online sale, e-commerce, m-commerce
With just a touch on the smartphone screen, the owners of the shops on now can easily take orders from customers and deal with the orders at once.
Thanks to Sendo Shop, a sales app, shop owners now can make transactions with customers and do not need laptops.
The sales app, a product of, is now available on Google Play (Android mobile devices) and iTunes Store (iPhone/iPad).
The online trading floor still wants to provide sale apps to fresh food shops (vegetables, fruits, meat and fish). Shop owners can take pictures with smartphones, compile text to introduce their products and post the information on the trading floor.
Mua Ban Nhanh JSC is now trying to approach small merchants at the Ba Chieu Market to introduce application. Mua Ban Nhanh said with the app, it aims to help retailers ‘put their shops into customers’ pockets’.
According to Lam Quang Vinh, CEO of Mua Ban Nhanh, the mobile app fits many different retail models. Retailers could sell goods from home, at the market or at their shops.
The shop owners on could be small merchants at markets, or amateur online sellers.
A Master Card report released in July showed the sharp growth in shopping online via mobile devices.
Vietnam ranks fifth in Asia Pacific in the number of customers who buy goods via mobile devices.
The proportion of customers shopping via mobile devices increased from 34.9 percent of total online shopping customers in 2013 to 45.2 percent in late 2014, which was very close to the regional average level of 45.6 percent.
Mastercard cited two most important factors which encourage people to do shopping via mobile devices – the convenience (people can buy things at any time and from anywhere) and the availability of many online shopping apps.
E-commerce or m-commerce?
MOIT noted that e-commerce on mobile platform has been developing very rapidly following the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets.
At least 34 percent of population often access internet from their mobile devices and they spend one-third of their day accessing internet. These are the ideal conditions for developing mobile e-commerce.
Vu Hoang Yen, marketing director of Zalora, an online fashion distributor, said since the very beginning, Zalora has been paying special attention to approach customers through mobile platforms.
She said that the customers shopping via mobile apps are loyal customers who often buy goods on Zalora.
With an increasingly high proportion of customers shopping with mobile devices, experts say Vietnam is shifting from e-commerce to m-commerce (mobile).
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